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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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america's media as judge and jury the news outlets jeopardizing justice by sentencing suspects before they've even been to a courtroom. egypt's demonstration days of food the protesters are backing south korea square angry and slow it all means of production problems uprising. and reports of widespread deaths and devastation from lost in turkmenistan but in the use of government disguises it was a promise by a working student. you're
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watching r.t. on kerry johnston welcome to the program. being proved innocent in courts can pay into insignificance in america especially when a guilty verdict is already acknowledged in the media single mother casey anthony was cleared of all murdering her two year old daughter this week but it's done nothing to sway public opinion that's been spurred on by t.v. and newspapers this is. innocent until proven guilty it's a whole mark principle of the american justice system illegally after shoved aside from the vigor of some of the arrests young african black and brown subjects we sat down in the street and an obsessive kind of way fifty shots sixty shots laying on our stomach in our back as we run or as we walk or flee to breeding suspects into offenses in cases of entrapment entrapment is not. legal entrapment is getting
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someone to do something that they would normally do to perp walks that parade suspects in handcuffs for the world to see. to a media frenzy devouring some cases and not others i finally agree for the. guilty until proven guilty in these cases the government is changing the laws sam and is a former white collar convict who knows the criminal justice systems discrepancies inside and out i have while on the road to yours. probably not by primes when i decided to cooperate with the reds it took two more years. now a teacher he says media coverage also affects the jury pool they see the image of a guy in handcuffs and see an image of a person being arrested they see the image of a person doing the perp walk and therefore just like everybody else. so are you presumed guilty from the get go and how much of
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a role does the media play if you're accused of a fine it's going to be a huge headlines on page one when you exonerated it's on page twenty seven below the fold to column inches and your neighbors somehow didn't manage to catch it the server would still thinks you're a child molester take the not guilty verdict in the casey anthony murder case involving her two year old daughter the court of public opinion will mean split from the court of justice all thanks to nonstop media coverage of the case for the past three years. it's crazy and i think it's great to get it from the media it's been through the guilty in the case of former i.m.f. head to many straws con and media satisfied their gluttonous taste stream passion only for the case to crumble i think there should be a. new outlets are required to play your exoneration as big and as long as your accusation this is rarely the case as dubious practices in the criminal justice
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system spread so does the finger pointing and questioning the future of human rights in the us why is we calling as americans i'll set someone years old on like . this is getting now going this is really getting ugly the principles that the us once prided itself in are either fire suspects or having to fight their battles fought with three minutes of their arrest in attempts to prove their innocence underlining the discrepancies in the u.s. criminal justice system are alive and kicking is the citric in our party we are. the march towards a reborn egypt has slowed to a cruel now the interim leaders have been sent a strong this message yet that they're not doing enough the tens of thousands turning out the biggest protests in months demonstrators feel the tahrir square tahrir and gathered in other cities angry that the interim government is dragging its heels on the reforms the moderate and toppled president barack. also frustrated
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at a sluggish pace of prosecuting senior officials and police officers who are accused of planting happens out. there it's still hard international relations professor mark o'mara says the revolution or try to change. the expectations that the fall of mubarak could be followed by a change of regime hasn't really come about with his family and closest cronies have been imprisoned or accused will go on trial next month of all sorts of crimes against the people against the interests of country but of course field marshal tantawi and the other members of the military ruling council with his appointees to great extent across egypt people they will see that their local boss the local head of the stray should be changed so there's a sense that the old regime was decapitated but minus two barak it's still in power ironically one of the big reasons for the revolution people's economic discontent
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this social this contentious iteration of unemployment and so on actually the process of getting rid of a barak has made in the short term the economy worse but i do think really there's an easy answer to egypt's economic problems because global. all prices global food prices on a rising and egypt has a central importance for quite a few minutes on the program in georgia's cloak and dagger conundrum chris isaak it's really sees a spate of spies and we turn now targeting a high profile photographer status we ask whether the snap is really snooping. it's to do with it india is it surprising you think telling small businesses to big profits. the billionaire owner of britain's best selling newspaper is due to arrive in london to deal with the fallout of the phone hacking scandal news of the world. is closing for one hundred sixty eight year old paper its last edition on sunday earlier the tabloids former editor and recalls was released on
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bail he was at the paper when it eventually intercepted phone calls from murder victims and their relatives. later went on to become the distance media eight he denies knowing about the hacking to other people were also arrested as part of it against the paper prime minister cameron that promised inquiries into press and since john gaunt used to work for the music row sister paper says britain's media is too ideal for the political debate. many of us are calling for a full public inquiry led by a judge and cameron has been dragged through this position he's now willing to let it happen six truly embarrassing for at least part of what's called the chipping candombe set which is a rural part of britain he lives down there at the weekend regret a book trips down there certain columnists lived down there and the whole set you gonna make socially that set was a different set when labor in power which only blair but all of it is too cozy and
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too comfortable if you don't have a real democracy you have to have a separation between the press surely the political establishment and the government of the day and also. need to have separation between the judiciary and those two areas in britain and the united kingdom they've become too close over the last thirteen or fourteen years and i believe that last may not all of neri people in britain their views have not really be represented either in the newspaper or in the political arena that's bad for democracy so david cameron should start investigating him seventh as far as i'm concerned i warned would your employer a man who's already had three resign over a phone hacking allegations why would you take him to the heart of government where he could have access to top secrets got fears and information it's a sorry sorry very let me tell you not just for the british press but for british democracy. around the two hundred people may have been killed in
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a series of explosions in star city about local media sources report the blasts happened there if the government continues to claim the firework materials. contacted the editor of human rights website in turkmenistan gave us more details. it was started with a glassed that was followed by a series of explosions can explode among people immediately because people didn't know what was going on the government's reaction came too late only eight hours after the explosion took the first military and emergency vehicles start coming to and again from the capital we know the blast occurred at two ammunition depots the fire hasn't been extinguished yet there's one which can potentially blow up. officials say the explosions were caused by fireworks materials but there's enough evidence to prove it was ammunition but around two hundred people are believed to have died half of them soldiers others are civilians many of them are children it's
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difficult to say how many people have been injured many apartment buildings schools and shops lie in ruins and the recluses of looting. on the website chronicles of turkmenistan also reports of a total media by. the country's state channel is showing entertainment programs instead of news bulletins. police being ordered to detain anyone who tries to take pictures or mobile phone with a dog back to the area another website tells of crowds of children wandering the streets looking for their parents and then either can't contact their families and friends because of this russians telephone nods cabinet meeting on the situation clayton details or some. really stand has long been a very simple to start internet band until recently. if george is off dorothy's all to be believed there are secret agents working around every corner just days after jailing people for espionage for russia but of
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high profile photographers getting by special services. of spying for foreign states it's not clear which one party's characters are over those and what's wild georgia suspicions and events that i still strong i would my little lie truth is continuing it's for an encounter espionage campaign and this time around the people in the spotlight are those who usually stayed behind the scenes for sure journalists have been detained including the president's personal photographer and employees of the associated press and the european press agency the a.p. photographer was later released without charge but the other three remaining custody. i don't need i have met with my client has got injuries to his face at the moment he still hasn't been charged with anything and we waited and prosecutors to file the case answer question and formally charge my client. to for a georgian authorities haven't specified exactly who they believe these journalists
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were spying for their previous spying allegations however have mostly been aimed at russia for some. continuation nor. there. see. this is. the most. and. why he should care. because the second terror. clearly he's going through all his her. explanation for european partners why. why. do you always wonder. what he's going to be. an agent source and.
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he recently hysteria began with yet another alleged spy story last year thirteen people were detained and accused of being spies on russia's payroll earlier this week nine of them were found guilty and sentenced to between eleven and fourteen years behind bars but what lies behind this frenzied espionage clampdown. on to anyone i guess is just a level of democracy and it has been noticed not just by russia. national organizations like the u.s. . even so it seems international disbelief and numerous arrests and convictions are not enough to put the paranoia of georgian officials to rest or his interior minister claims that there are more alleged spies alp there i think he knows exactly who they are where they are and what they're doing the wall of the b.b.c. hills these efforts many seem to be of the opinion that it's just plain wishful
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thinking. katharine's are. also to come on the program in intimates. that happens more often. have a bright google search. for the high profile sex scandals dominating the front pages residence is in new york to ask how best to tackle it on wanted attention. and in russia close up since immigration wasn't just a guy who discovered how to succeed even though. with the population of more than a billion a growing economy there are changes out there for india's enterprising entrepreneurs and it's young people who are seizing initiative by turning their passions into profits that's a pretty sure reports they've gotten in the culture which is capitalism. downstairs
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in a dusty basement in jelly's okla neighborhood you'll find twenty six year old people kamar this is one of several of these manufacturing sites it's small and weak but it's one of the offices kamar uses to make sporting equipment including tacts he's also working to mastermind a store its curriculum for hundreds of schools around india in an attempt to build an empire that he hopes will change the sporting culture in his country forever there was a gap in the market there was you know more. or very few. offerings as far as this. industry as a whole was concerned so. it's. the whole industry and right now he's the number one guy in india doing it and the short time is a company has been around its profits have increased two hundred percent per month and he's been named one of the top ten young entrepreneurs in the country it's a massive undertaking especially in a country where studies have always been prioritized over sports but kamar is part
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of a growing movement of young people who believe that they can change cultural mentalities and implement new ideas in their country we have so many graduates coming all. our institute every year. it's a small percentage of them because i you know i don't think it's going to produce. entrepreneurship is becoming a hot field for young people in india while many of the parents of the students on india's college campuses government medicine engineering is stable and prestigious the younger generation is being innovation as key to the future according to the indian government the number of small and medium enterprises in this country is rising by fifteen per cent. while their peers in the west are struggling to find jobs during this financial crisis many leaders are encouraging their youth to continue to focus on innovation despite the on stable times we know what it takes to compete for the jobs and industries of our time we need to innovate out educate
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and outbuild rest of the world. it's a person that some believe could shift the power dynamics in the world. and next. door is one of those who are going to prove themselves in india and the new startups. of succeeding. kumar his fellow entrepreneurs admit that starting a venture can be stressful but they try to focus on the positives they believe it has for themselves and their country making a difference and you believe in something you thought this is the this is what. doesn't exist and i want to do something about creating new jobs for their people while addressing their country's means preassure either r t new delhi india. or these for you know this. there is a new country. and state that. some
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abrasions began to write down some instruments such only questioning from the conflict and. the. un deployed troops. to the students you today who are. almost half a million people have taken to the streets of the suicide to the biden presence that's what down this purchase was from a visit by the parents of your son rustlers which is strongly condemn the syrian authorities or the us a summary of syria's ambassador to misleading reports of the country's diplomats building the testing that's for the america. former american the first lady betty ford has died at the age of ninety three she was that with president gerald ford and they were around drug and alcohol rehab center which bore her name ford was considered one of the most a visible first ladies in america and buried in michigan longside husband and his
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marriage to him for almost sixty years. pakistani police and karate have been ordered to shoot on sight after three days of clashes there after eighty people dead of violence which were sent into a standstill is blamed on armed gangs parties militia contributor says stabilizing pakistan is key to bringing peace to the region. here comes the new plan for the new u.s. policy for pakistan and afghanistan when it comes to peace and security in afghanistan you have to think about what afghanistan needs right now has nothing to do with surging or at least surging american forces on the ground when afghanistan really needs right now is a wake up call and is the only way to re-unite all tribes and factions and the only way to save afghanistan from now or grandparents he is to
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come down to the top level negotiations pakistani military to read it boy rolled off american ground forces from afghanistan to sergeant part of pakistan along their pakistani indian border there and to lead their pakistani rancher corps to change their position within the. some accusations which even if they might be proved false can still prove fatal to your reputation as the former i.m.f. chief and his cost online talk show host laurie hoffa missed last new york what this means for people's definition when things go too far. is the actual assault cases of d.m.k. angelina's fans are getting a lot of coverage in the news do you think it's right for women or men to report any sexual encounter they feel uncomfortable with this week let's talk about that
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if she feels that she's been violated i think reporting is the best idea and how that plays out you know that that's how that plays out the reporting is should be a woman's instinct at what point does it cross over to consider just for taishan. yeah it's a it's a tough line between those two people which is two people it's impossible i think women should not get in situations i think there are lots of times that we put ourselves in situations and we have a messenger insiders that says get out of there and sometimes we don't listen to that message. or she says no it's a no if it has been for women and for man one hundred percent. so why do we treat it more as a woman's issue because of happens more often to women. but men have a private. about money rich girl rich in the balkans for.
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good that's just another way for women to get rich. so do you think it's fair that the laws generally tend to side with women. and i think it's impossible to really say what's fair what's at this point again we carry our ideas of what they are to me so much i think in general my inclination is to say yes it is because women have for the most part of been the victims for so many years. you always have to side more with them in order to make it like affirmative action in a way like you have to do something to make things better so that they're not always the victims no matter how you feel about the line. the bottom line is that the rule no means no will always be a good one. well there's more of your thoughts on line of comedy so what else is there not just a click away there's anger at israel for stopping activists latest efforts to get aid to blockaded gaza as it bars some two hundred people from flying to take them
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to ports others. cosmic camera the space station and other. planets and high resolution results you can see it makes it hard to go home for all the records. working in the countryside can be a breath of fresh air as we discovered in today's russia closer. to travelling at two thousand kilometers east of moscow region in southern siberia it's one of the many areas where entire villages are coming ghost towns as young people into the cities the older generation get fewer in number and there's one place where the residents have a good reason to stay. here we are in the
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village of chast. and for the past fifteen years its population has been steadily increasing here is the reason why. it's monday morning and alexander a former prison guard is it work testing the incoming employees for alcohol. if they're over the limit there is a choice to decide it for a no show and lose thirty percent of them on salary are dropped three kilometers and be docked ten percent of that months of wage those who do the testing every morning regardless of gender or position within the company could be caught but they will see it on their paycheck and that's a strong incentive not to dream you know working week. enforced alcohol abstinence is the idea of this man alexander able to cough is the director of the still such plan and likes to extend his influence as far as possible and one of big ideas very
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epitome of micromanagement for the past fifteen years he's been preaching to his employees how to make good sausages and how to lead a good life. the quality is a must it's the quality of the product they give you this job in the first place and it's the quality of the germans whether you'll keep it which after firing dozens of workers for showing up drunk at work and xander started lateran his employees on the harms of alcohol three times a day during with breaks per the holy roman emperor charlemagne said drunk for the first time should be beaten with a stick close call for the second time should be beaten in public for the third time should be hanged as a former boxer and he's not shy about exercising his rule with an r in face has built his version of the iron curtain around his plan of dozens of video cameras around the facility employees have no chance to circumvent the law of big brother
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on the outside there are no longer the issue. with ok there is a very rigid and most people find it hard to comply but those who don't play by alexander's rules don't work here. alexander's drive to set the rules of the game gazan and bit in his plan the only corporate taxpayer in the village of four thousand people has taken on a very wide notion of social responsibility using the appliance profits he paved over local roads renovated a school and built picture and while he agrees that modesty is a virtue of his fungus of giving guidance and advice is evident rather he goes in you are as well it doesn't matter that you come from a village. thank god we've got good teachers and behave well that school is that clear. but this approach has divided villagers the majority believe alexander is a blessing a minority and primarily those who he's fired are not as impressed as the old
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saying goes one man's meat is another man's poison that everybody in this village appreciates the xander philosophy that he's in that city and spreading it around some people call him a control freak others to resort to more agricultural language his opponents also include some local officials who believe that alexander has too much power that infringes on their own authority but alexander accuses them of not doing enough for the people when i ask him whether he'd like to run for office he's a response was a resounding no if you're blessed i think the whole purpose of power is to create to make life around you better and in this regard i have all the power there a need as for the iron fist i think every successful activity requires discipline strict discipline and it starts with a need instead we need for somebody to come and do something i do it myself i may offend other people. will understand that i was doing it for the wrong good. many
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historians made the keys that russians prefer authoritarian leaders and tackling the deep problems of alcohol addiction and rural isolation need street discipline and total control good out there in the xander scase it seems to have proved efficient and avoid r t the village of. oregon region. well after the headlines in a few moments how the arab influx into europe rather strained it small to cultural credentials whether russia faces a similar conundrum. hungry
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for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers on our t.v. . the close up gene has been to the republic of north the situation where half of the area is occupied by nature preserve. this time argy it goes to the region where men flock from all over the world to add a few centimeters to their.


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